The Hérault allows by its geographical situation to practice this activity in diversified landscapes: in the heart of a wild and preserved nature, far from everything and everyone, the canoe and the kayak are accessible to any person of + 4 years or + 6 years (according to course), person knowing to swim.
Note that the level of the river is satisfactory all summer long and that the water temperature (generally 28° from mid-July, 23° in September!) invites you to swim a lot.

Descend the gorges of the Hérault in canoe or kayak, in a classic walk or with sensations, it is possible.
Several service providers on site, including one, a Cap Soleil partner: Canoé rapido.
Feel free to consult our “partners” section to find out about the benefits, and visit the site for more information. , 4 Avenue Saint-Benoît d’Aniane, 34150 Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, 04 67 55 75 75,

Another “spot”, near our campsite in Vias, along the river Orb, drive through the Regional Natural Park of the Haut Languedoc, with the Escandorgue massif to the east, the Montagne Noire to the west and north, and the Faugères mountains before entering the Biterrois plain.
Roquebrun, Cessenon sur Orb, Reals, the gorges of Héric… sites not to be missed on the river with a lot of excitement.

A boat on the Hérault river: go on a trip with Bessan Aventure, one of our privileged partners. For all ages and different types of courses join them in a family and secure atmosphere: Bessan Aventure!

Try it!